The techniques Lauren uses to address behaviour problems are proven to be both effective and animal-friendly. For example, Lauren uses counter-conditioning and systematic desensitization to change emotions such as fear, and positive reinforcement and shaping to teach new, wanted behaviours. Such techniques are routinely used by qualified animal behaviour professionals to address even serious problems in both cats and dogs.
These techniques not only work, but they also carry desirable side effects: they naturally cause your pet to feel positive emotions, they increase your pet's ability and willingness to learn, and they strengthen the bond between you both.
Knowing what techniques to use is important. Equally important, Lauren also understands the well-documented dangers of using techniques or tools such as flooding, punishment, corrections, 'alpha rolls', 'e-collars' (shock collars) or rattle cans to try and address problem behaviour. Lauren and other credentialed animal behaviour professionals avoid using these techniques and tools, as doing so decreases the animal's ability to learn, worsens fear-related and aggressive behaviours, and increases the likelihood that both animal and human may be injured during training. Such approaches also damage the bond between human and animal.
As the animal training industry is unregulated in Canada, it is critical that you choose a qualified animal behaviour professional: one who understands how to correctly identify and resolve the root cause of your pet's unwanted behaviour, and who won't hurt or scare your pet in the process.